Instrument – School will supply, please complete this School Loan Form
Label – Include first and last name, school, and contact phone # – (Luggage tags work well
Valve Oil – Al Cass and Slide Grease – Bach Tuning Slide Grease
Soft cloth for wiping down instrument (piece of an old t-shirt works great)
*Please note, if you are purchasing your own mouthpiece I recommend a Conn Helleberg or a Bach 7 (AKA Bach 3357). They are pricey but they last forever, and with instruments, you get what you pay for. If you buy a cheap mouthpiece it will directly impact your student’s enjoyment of playing — making it more challenging and difficult than it needs to be! The school has SOME mouthpieces, but if you’d like to purchase your own, that is great, too.
Black Binder (.5 or 1-inch)
15 – 20 clear protective sheets
Additional (Optional) Supply Recommendations
Folding Wire Music Stand: Can be found as low as $12 on Amazon.
Metronome/Tuner Apps: My favorite is Tonal Energy ($4) or Soundcorset is free.